Reconnect to nature
About Ingrid
Ingrid Koivukangas (BFA,MFA) is an award-winning environmental artist, teacher and writer. Her work is about reconnecting people back to nature and deep intuition. She has been featured in numerous books, publications, podcasts and as a guest artist-in-residence on CBC-TV.
Ingrid is an Organic Master Gardener, an herbalist-in-training and the co-creator of Alchemy Farm, a small flower and seed farm and bee and pollinator haven. Ingrid is the creator of the Alchemy Flower and Eco Heart Oracles, tools that help users connect to nature.
She lives at Alchemy Farm on Salt Spring Island with her husband, a retired UK Homeopath, two Weimaraners, a Thai Ridgeback, two cats, four San Clemente Island Goats and thousands upon thousands of flowers and bees.
You can read her official CV here.
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